Weekly Note 24.11.17

Dear Parents / Carers,

Thank you very much for helping your child with the dinosaur literacy homework, the children will be using this next week to write their own reports.

Christmas Concert-
You are most welcome to come and watch our Christmas concert ‘Christmas with the Aliens’ on Wednesday 13th December in the school hall at 2pm.
Your child may have brought home some lines to learn today (printed on yellow card) for the concert. Please help your child to know when to come-in with their lines and to learn these off by heart in a loud, clear and expressive voice.

Two Tickets for the concert will be coming home with your child on Friday 1st December. We have a very large year group and for health and safety reasons are limited to just 2 seats per family. We would also be very grateful if alternative arrangements could be made for preschoolers where possible.
Tickets will be collected at the hall door on the 13th.

We are working on costumes at school at the moment, we may need some help with costumes but unless you hear otherwise (next week) we will source a costume for your child.

Christmas Fayre
The PTA Christmas Fayre is on Thursday 7th December from 1.30 – 4.00. You can collect your child from their class at 2.05 to take them to the fayre.

Christmas party
The children will have an all day(!) party on Thursday 14th December. More information about this day will follow.


Many thanks for your continued support.
Mrs Ashworth, Mrs Ash and Mrs Page

Weekly Note – week commencing 20.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers

Fire Station Visit

We had a great trip to the Fire Station on Thursday where alongside learning about fire safety the children had a lot of fun putting out a fire and exploring the fire engines. The firefighter leading the visit talked to the children about smoke detectors and the importance of knowing their address. She also set them a home task of looking for the smoke detectors in their house and  learning their address!


Next week we shall be continuing our work on multiplication and in particular looking at how multiplication can be represented as an array.  The children might like to look for arrays at home, for example, a chocolate bar or an egg box. They could also make their own arrays using lego or similar. The array below shows 4 rows of 4 or 4 x4


Literacy Homework- Dinosaur Research

Thank you for the research sheets that have already come back to school. Please can all completed research sheets be returned to school on Monday 20th November


We are building up quite a large pile of lost uniform, snack boxes and water bottles that we are unable to return to the correct owner as they are not named. Please could you check that your child’s uniform etc is clearly named.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Sophie Ash, Jen Ashworth, Sarah Page

Weekly Note – 13.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers


Next week we shall begin a unit of work on multiplication.  In class we shall be working on the following types of activities:

  • counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s
  • putting objects into groups of 2, 3, 5 and 10 and then representing this as a repeated addition and then a multiplication number sentence – this helps highlight the link between the two operations.
  • We shall introduce the x sign and related vocabulary such as ‘groups of’, ‘lots of’, ‘sets of’.

Children in Need – 17th November

Next Friday is ‘Children in Need’ day.  The theme this year is spots so the children are invited to make a donation and come into school wearing ‘spotty’ themed clothes and accessories. Children in Need accessories will be on sale in class next Monday and Tuesday at the price of £1 for a wristband and £2.50 for a headband.

School Trip- 16th November

Year 2 will be visiting the Fire Station as part of our Great Fire of London topic on Thursday 16th November. The buses will be leaving at 9.45am and returning just before lunch. If you or another family member would like to accompany us on this trip then please do let your child’s class teacher know. Many thanks.

Literacy Homework- Dinosaur Research

In literacy this week we have been looking at an information text about a Tyrannosaurus  Rex. In particular we have looked at the different sub headings that the author has used to organise their information, the extra detail and description added and the use of technical vocabulary.

During the week beginning 20th November, the children will be writing a similar report based on a dinosaur of their own choosing (other than a T Rex). To help them with this task we would like them to begin thinking about the dinosaur that they wish to write about and to begin collecting some facts (e.g. using library/home books or internet sites) about this dinosaur as a homework activity. Please see the letter and worksheet that your child brought home today for more information on what to do. We thank you for your help with this.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Sophie Ash, Jen Ashworth, Sarah Page

Weekly Note – week commencing 6th November

  Dear Parents/Carers


Swimming lessons have now stopped until after Easter and will be replaced by PE or games lessons. PE kit will be needed on the following days;

Mrs Ashworth’s class – Thursday and Friday

Mrs Page’s class – Monday and Friday

Mrs Ash’s class – usually have PE on Wednesday and Friday however due to timetabling constraints they also occasionally have a lesson on a Tuesday. To make this easier to manage we are very happy for children in her class to bring their kit in on a Tuesday and leave it on their peg until Friday.

Sports Commission Fit Club

Starting next Wednesday lunchtime the Guernsey Sports Commission staff will be running a lunchtime Fit Club for Year 2 children. This club is free of charge and will be made up of a variety of active games and skills to ensure that physical activity is fun. The aims of the sessions are to support children in physical activity so that they can find an activity that they enjoy, as well allowing more opportunities for the children to reach the government recommendations of being active for a minimum of one hour a day. The first block of 5 sessions which begins next Wednesday 8th November is being offered to children in Mrs Ashworth’s class. The other classes will have the opportunity to attend in either the Spring or Summer term. If your child wishes to attend please can you return the form, which they have brought home today, to Mrs Ashworth by Tuesday 7th November.


Next week we will be focusing on finding 10/100 more or less than any 2 or 3 digit numbers. We shall also be working on everyday word problems where the children will have the opportunity to apply their understanding of place value to help them find solutions.


The children are thoroughly engrossed in our new literacy topic about dinosaurs and are producing some fantastic work.  We have been looking at non-fiction facts and focusing on the details of non-chronological reports (headings, technical vocabulary, describing words etc).  Next week we will be working together to write an information sheet about the Tyrannosaurus Rex. We would then like the children to choose a different dinosaur which they can research in preparation for some independent writing. We shall send home more details of this home task next week.

Pine Cones

If you have any large pine cones in your garden or find any whilst out and about we would be very pleased to receive them in school for an activity planned for later in the term


We shall soon be starting an art activity for which we need red, yellow and orange wool. If you have any spare wool in these colours we would be very pleased to receive it.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Sophie Ash, Jen Ashworth, Sarah Page