Weekly note- week beginning 5.2.18


Dear Parents/Carers,

Our work in maths next week will be looking at symmetry and telling the time to the quarter hour. We shall also be moving on to looking at how times to the quarter hour are represented on a digital clock. To help your child prepare for this you may like to help them look at different clocks (digital and analogue) that you may have around your home. You could also encourage them to look for symmetrical things in the world around us (e.g. road signs, household objects, toys).

Please see the planet research homework (that your child should have brought home today) that your child will need to complete by Wednesday 7th February please. This homework will greatly help your child to write their report in class.

Bring and Buy Book Sale
As part of our Book Week celebrations this year we will be holding a ‘Bring and Buy a Book’ sale on Friday 10th February. The children are invited to bring to school any unwanted books from home which are still in good condition and could be loved by another child. All the books will be sold for 50p and the money raised will be used to buy new books for the school. The sale will take place during school time in the main hall. If your child would like to buy a book(s) in the sale then please can they bring 50p coins with them on Friday. They will be allowed to buy 2 books when visiting with their class. Any extra books will then be available to purchase at lunch time.

Author Visit
We are very lucky to have the author and illustrator David Lucas visiting us on Wednesday to talk to the children about his books.

Book Day
On Friday 9th February, the children are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a chosen book. The children will have time to talk about their chosen book character and the story from which they are from.

Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Ash, Mrs Ashworth/Mrs Le Prevost and Mrs Page

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