Weekly Note – week beginning 3.10.16

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week out work in maths will be focused on addition, subtraction and then applying these skills to help us solve everyday word problems.
Harvest Service
On Thursday 6th, Year 2 will be visiting the church to watch the Harvest Service which is performed by Year 3. If you are able to accompany us on this trip we would be very pleased to hear from you. We shall be leaving school at approximately 1.20 pm.
Children are invited to bring in a small box with non-perishable items to be donated to a person / family in need in our community. We would also like to encourage the children, if they would like to, to write a short letter which can be attached to their box.
Boxes will be collected from the main hall on the morning of Thursday 6th October.

Miss Geall’s class and Miss Ozanne’s class will not have swimming on this day.

Many thanks,
Mrs Ashworth, Miss Geall, Miss Ozanne

Weekly Note – week beginning 26th September

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our work with place value will continue next week and we will be focusing on the following activities; partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and units and finding 10/100 more/less than any given 2 or 3 digit number.
Rainbow Maths Targets
Next week your child will receive their first two Rainbow maths targets for the term which are linked to number bonds. These targets have been assessed in class and assigned based on accuracy and speed of recall. You may therefore find that your child starts on a target that they have previously worked on. The children need to have a really quick and accurate recall of these important number facts so any activities you can do at home to help your child practise will really help. We shall test their speed of recall at regular intervals over the term and send the work home so that you can see how well your child is progressing towards meeting their target.
The school subscribes to an online maths programme called Mathletics. Your child has now been given their logon card and details of how to access the website. There is also a Mathletics iPad app that you can use to access the software. We will not be setting work using the site but please use this resource as much or as little as you feel appropriate to help support your child’s learning. If children attain 1000 points in a week then they will receive a certificate in school. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any difficulties or questions.
Class Activity Wall
In Key stage 1 every class has a ‘Class Family Activity’ display board. This is an opportunity for the children to share and talk about their hobbies, achievements, or special events out of school. For this display we would like to invite the children to bring in a photograph or a drawing showing something that is special to them, for example;
• Something they enjoy doing outside school
• Their favourite place to visit
• A hobby or activity
• A special achievement
• A special event – birthday, wedding etc
• A favourite weekend activity
If you do not have easy access to a printer and wish to e mail a photograph to us we will be happy to print it out for your child.
School Uniform
We are beginning to collect a lot of unnamed sweatshirts and PE kit which is proving an almost impossible task to reunite with the correct owner! Please could you check that all items of uniform are clearly labelled.
Many thanks,
Mrs Ashworth, Miss Geall, Miss Ozanne

Weekly Note – week beginning 19.9.16

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week we shall be working on place value. An understanding of place value (knowing the value and position of each digit in a number, for example 34 = 30 + 4 or 3 tens and 4 ones, is fundamental to understanding numbers and being able to read, write, order, add and subtract larger numbers. We have a range of activities planned in order to help the children recognise and understand the value of each digit in numbers up to (and for some children) beyond 100. To support your child with this work you may like to work on some of the following activities;
• Order a set of numbers from biggest to smallest. Point at a number and say the number that is 1 more/less; what is 10 more/less.
• When looking at 2 digit numbers talk about how many tens and ones are in the number.
• Use 10p and 1p coins to make a given amount of money (extending to use of £1 coins, 10p and 1p as your child becomes more confident).

Challenge Activities for children who are confident with numbers up to 100
• Play guess my number using clues such as; my number has 3 tens and 4 ones; an even number between 20 and 25; ten more than 56; is 2 tens more/less than 45
• Give your child a set of digit cards (2 4 6 6) and challenge them to write all the 2-digit numbers greater than 40 using only these digits?
• With the digit cards 2 3 4 5 6 can you make; a number greater than 50, a number less than 30, an odd/even number, a number between 47 and 59, what is the smallest/largest 2-digit number you can make?

PE Club
Apologies to those children who were due to start Fit Club last week. There was a mix up with times which has now been resolved. To ensure the children get their full 5 weeks the first group will now finish on Wednesday 19th October. This club always proves very popular and unfortunately we have been unable to allocate everyone a place. However we have a waiting list and will let you know if additional places become available.

We are now starting to make our Tudor houses. If your child has not already done so, please could they bring a shoe box into school. We are also still collecting any red, yellow or orange wool that you may be able to donate to school.

Many thanks,
Year 2 Teachers

Weekly Note – Week Beginning 12.9.16

Dear Parents/Carers,

Next week we will be looking at making sensible estimates when counting sets of objects and ordering and comparing numbers. We shall also be introducing the greater than and less than symbols. You may like to support your child at home by working on any of the following activities:
– Counting sets of objects e.g. pasta, marbles and Lego
– Grouping sets of objects for ease of counting (2’s, 5’s and 10’s)
– Counting on and back from any given number up to 100
– Identifying 1 more and 1 less than a given number – moving onto 10 more and less as your child is ready
PE Club
The Sports Commission lunchtime PE club starts next week. If your child has been allocated a place they will bring home a letter confirming this. Children will need trainers and their water bottle. If for any reason your child does not want their place please can you let us know as places are very limited and we have a waiting list.
From this week onwards all weekly notes will only be available on the blog. We recommend subscribing to the blog by entering your e-mail address into the box that you find on the welcome page. This will ensure that you get an e-mail to notify you every time something is added to the blog. If you have subscribed to the Year 1 blog last year you will need to unsubscribe from this and re-register your details with the Year 2 blog! If you do not have access to the blog, please inform your child’s class teacher so they can give you a paper copy. Please also subscribe to the main St Martin’s school blog page
If you need to contact us and are unable to pop into school you either use the contact form on the blog which will send us an e-mail or you can contact us directly by e-mail;

Mrs Ashworth – jennifer.ashworth@stmartins.sch.gg
Miss Geall – sarah.geall@stmartins.sch.gg
Miss Ozanne – rebecca.ozanne@stmartins.sch.gg
Wet Play
Please can your child bring in a named colouring book that they can keep in their tray for wet play times
Please could you send in any spare shoe boxes for our art topic so that the children can make a Tudor house. We will also need red, yellow and orange wool for a Great Fire of London project.
Children will be using the library from next week on the following days
Tuesday– Miss Ozanne’s Class
Friday – Mrs Ashworth’s Class
Friday –Miss Geall’s Classes
Pupil Acceptable User Policy for ICT
Attached to this letter are 2 copies of the Year 2 pupil acceptable use policy for ICT. This has been shared in class with the children and we would appreciate your support to reinforce this guidance at home to keep them safe online. Please could one copy of the policy be returned to school signed by both you and your child. If you would like further information about keeping children safe online then please see the e-safety section on the main St Martin School blog page www.stmartinsprimaryschool.edublogs.org
Many thanks,
Year 2 Teachers